I've been dying to reveal one of the many “hidden gems” we have at our uni!! Even though I go through the website quite often, I have never found many of these “secrets” that I have randomly heard of from friends. Let me share with you what I’ve found!

Did you know that you can take a semester or two in a different country?! Or that you can go for a 3 month internship and get funds from the erasmus programme?! Here’s some info about about erasmus:
Erasmus vs. Erasmus+: "Erasmus" is the name of the previous edition of the programme, the most recent one is "Erasmus+", the programme was enriched with some new activities and possibilities so the European Commission decided to add "+" to show the difference between the 2 editions
Within Erasmus+ you can participate either in studies (for one or two semesters) or traineeships (for 3 months)
As for the list of partner universities where UPWr students can study at, check HERE.
Erasmus+ online recruitment for studies in 2022/2023: Open from 7-18th March 2022. Results: 6th of April. Consider if you need a language exam or not.
After successful recruitment (or even before, during application) students should check the syllabus of the partner university and try to find the most similar courses
You will find scholarship rates for studies and traineeships HERE.
For studies you can go only to the university. For traineeships you can go to the university, an institution or a company.
Another useful link about Erasmus+ HERE.
In case of any questions please contact: Anna Posadowska-Malarz (anna.posadowska-malarz@upwr.edu.pl)
SPINAKER project
“To improve clinical skills of veterinary students”. The university got a grant from the EU last year - which resulted in a new project lasting throughout the year. 3 different courses will be held at the university which is open for students to join in on for free (only one course per student). It will be intensive clinical courses in either farm animals, horses, or small animals. There will be around 30 places on each course - for 3rd year students and up (maybe in earlier years if available spots). The workshops will be held by EU diplomats from the EU commission etc. They have calculated it to be around 34h online, and 16h practical workshops held with real animals at the university. You will get 2 ECTS for the course. Stay tuned on the university’s website & gmail when the project launches!

Rector’s scholarship
Did you know that you can get a scholarship, simply because you have good grades? This scholarship is intended for students who have achieved outstanding academic, scientific, artistic or sports achievements. This can be submitted after completing the first year of study, and must be delivered by the 20th day of the started semester. Check out more info HERE.
Did you know you could get free mental help at the university? Knowing that this is one of the professions with the highest suicide rates, I think this is a great idea. Per now they’re open Mon, Tue, Thu at 09.00-12.00. Contact psycholog@upwr.edu.pl and write: - Name and surname - Field of study and a year of study - Describe your problem - Define your expectations - Your email address She will contact you and arrange a meeting (online or in-person).
Social clubs
Did you know it was a “Students’ scientific society” at our uni!? It’s about different themes like surgery, wildlife and exotics. They have social meetings, hosts seminars, and do research! Check out more about the clubs HERE.

Zoo externship
Yes, you heard right! You can get a zoo internship at Wroclaw zoo through Uni! All you do is contact the Vice Dean, and fill out some papers. NB! There can only be one person following the vet at once - so make sure to reserve your spot! (Only within the same year). PS. I’ve heard Lodz zoo also serves amazing internships.
The university is constantly full of different research projects, and sometimes they take students on board. Check HERE for more info.
"Young minds project"
This is basically a competition to finance the implementation of individual research projects by students of UPWr. Do you have a good idea? And found a professor (PhD) at uni that supports your idea? Then THIS website is worth checking out! The person responsible for it is Ms Monika Jaśnikowska (monika.jasnikowska@upwr.edu.pl).
There's tons of opportunities within the university, make sure you make a thorough scoll through the university's website!